CDC seeks former smokers for education campaign

2021 01 14 21 51 2400 Cigarette Smoker Closeup 400

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reaching out to the oral health community for help in finding former smokers to be featured in its Tips From Former Smokers education campaign.

Specifically, the CDC is seeking people who used to smoke and have a smoking-related health condition, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The CDC is also looking for former smokers who have a diagnosed mental health condition, as well as those who regularly care for someone with a smoking-related health condition.

The CDC's Division of Oral Health noted that dental providers can play a key role in decreasing tobacco use. The agency asked oral healthcare professionals to share the Tips From Former Smokers recruitment effort with their network and on their social media accounts.

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