Week in Review: Politics and dentistry | Brutal honesty from hygienists | Medical insurance

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

When we decided to ask dental hygienists for their thoughts on the current state of the industry and their profession, we knew we would get some passionate answers. We just had no idea how passionate those answers would be.

Earlier this month, we asked dental hygienists myriad questions, including this one: "What are the biggest barriers to hygienists returning to the operatory?" We received a multitude of answers and detailed some of the most interesting ones for our readers to see earlier this week. What has been surprising is the continued reaction after these answers were published. Just look at the responses to the article at its conclusion from some of our readers and you'll see that the line between hygienist and dentist that was drawn by COVID-19 still very much exists.

Also this week, dentistry was put in the spotlight by well-known U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who shared in a viral Instagram post that she is getting braces to help with her smile esthetics. What's one of the biggest reasons she's waited until now to straighten her smile? She can finally afford it. She talked in her viral post about the cost of dentistry and how dental healthcare is truly healthcare, drawing plenty of reactions from both sides of the aisle.

One of those reactions came from the National Partnership for Dental Therapy, which encouraged Congress to support access to affordable dental care, including through the use of dental therapists, yet another subject that seems to draw controversy in some circles of our industry.

On the business side of your practice, are you billing medical insurance? Are you doing it correctly? If you're unsure about either, Laurie Owens gives tips and needed advice about the proper way to bill medical insurance and give a boost to your patients and your practice's bottom line.

Finally, over-the-counter mouthwashes may inactivate SARS-CoV-2, reducing the viral load in patients' mouths for a short period of time and potentially cutting the risk of transmission, according to a recently published study.

As always, thank you for reading DrBicuspid.com. My team and I wish you and your family health and continued success in the days ahead.

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