COVID-19-focused sessions added to 2020 OSAP virtual conference

2020 06 17 15 19 1673 Newspaper 400

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) 2020 virtual conference agenda has been updated to include multiple COVID-19-specific sessions for dental professionals.

The conference, which will be held online from August 13-15, will include sessions about dental infection prevention, occupational health, and patient safety to help provide clarity and guidance during this unprecedented time.

Here are some of the new sessions:

  • Aerosols in Dentistry: A Data-Driven Review of Aerosol Reduction
  • CDC Division of Oral Health: Fulfilling Core Missions & COVID-19 Priorities
  • How Have Dental Service Organizations Responded to COVID-19?
  • How to Operationalize Interim Guidance and Talk to Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Using History and Science to Anticipate the Future

The full agenda is available here.

Registration fees have been reduced by 50%. Discounted rates are available through July 17.

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