New CE courses address infection control, risk management, and more

2016 09 23 13 47 40 375 Dr B Logo 400

Five presentations from the 2017 Connecticut State Dental Association (CSDA) annual meeting are now available as continuing education (CE) videos. Topics include infection control, pain management and the role of opioids, and risk management. Other CSDA presentations from previous years also are available.

John Molinari, PhD
Infection control in dental practices

This presentation will provide an update of the most recent infection-prevention recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Using examples of infectious disease challenges, Dr. Molinari will reinforce the application of standard precautions during patient treatment.

Price: $56.00
CE credits: 1.0

Daniel Pompa, DDS
Medical emergencies in the dental office

Today, more medically compromised patients are being treated in dental offices than ever before. As a result, a more detailed medical history and medical evaluation should be taken prior to beginning treatment. This course will describe the essential drugs needed to create a medical emergency kit for your office. In addition, three basic tests that can easily be performed to help diagnose a patient's medical status are discussed.

Price: $56.00
CE credits: 1.0

Joseph Piecuch, DMD, MD
Pain management and the role of opioids

Statutory changes in the regulation of narcotic prescribers and prescriptions have been promulgated in many states and include dentists. This course will trace changes in prescribing methods that may have led to excessive narcotic prescribing, which may be one of the causes of the current opioid epidemic. The course also addresses the use of nonopioid alternatives that can be quite successful in controlling dental-related pain.

Price: $56.00
CE credits: 1.0

Danielle Green, DMD
Understanding the autistic dental patient

Autism spectrum disorders are relatively common developmental disorders, with some studies estimate that more than 1 in 70 children will be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. As such, dentists will be treating these patients more frequently. As these patients outgrow their pediatric dentist, the general dentist will be responsible for providing treatment for this population. This course will explain the core characteristics of these disorders and how these can both positively and negatively affect dental treatment.

Price: $56.00
CE credits: 1.0

Michael Ragan, DMD, JD
Patient safety through team risk management

Providing quality dental care and treatment is a team effort, and each member of the dental team is critically important. This course presents strategies to enhance quality care and patient safety in the dental practice. Potential malpractice issues and associated clinical risk management principles will be explored through a comprehensive analysis of dental claims.

Price: $56.00
CE credits: 1.0

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