OSAP announces winners of leadership awards

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) has announced the recipients of its annual Infection Control Leadership Awards.

  • The Dr. James J. Crawford Award, which recognizes lifetime achievement in the field of infection control, was given to Margaret Cottrell, one of the founders of the organization. She has served on both the association's and the foundation's boards of directors, as well as on committees.
  • The Dr. Milton Schaefer Award for continuous contributions over a period of time or singular accomplishments was given to Douglas Risk, DDS. He has contributed to OSAP educational programming for several years and served as a speaker and liaison between OSAP and the U.S. Air Force and other Armed Forces branches.
  • The James Cottone Award for Excellence in Investigative Research was given to Peter Arsenault, DMD, and Amad Tayebi, ScD, in recognition of their research on eye safety in dentistry and bottom gap exposure protection recommendations.
  • The Emerging Infection Control Leader Award was given to Kandis Garland, RDH, who has conducted research on infection control.
  • The Bette & Paul Schwartz Award, which recognizes an outstanding OSAP volunteer, was given to Peggy Spitzer, RDH.

The awards were presented at OSAP's recent annual conference and were made possible through a grant from Henry Schein Dental.

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