Calif. clinic in water line infection case to reopen

The Children's Dental Group in Anaheim said the clinic involved in a water line infection issue that forced more than 60 children to be hospitalized will reopen on April 24.

The water line infection previously led to the hospitalization of 67 children who had pulpotomies at the clinic between February 4, 2016, and August 20, 2016. The clinic installed a new water line, but it was ordered to close by the Orange County Health Care Agency in December 2016 after bacteria were found in its newly installed water system.

To reopen, the clinic had to obtain certifications regarding the following:

  • Removal of all sources of bacteria potentially posing risk
  • Compliance with the state dental board's accepted standards of practice
  • Absence of bacterial levels that pose any risk

The clinic went through evaluations and audits on the water system, clinical care, and infection control and sterilization processes and procedures, according to the group.

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