Infection control lapse; Doniger on occasional patients; Keller on staff meetings

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Practice management expert Jan Keller is back with her latest Blind Spots column. This month, she examines why setting aside time each week for staff meetings and training is important for the overall productivity of your practice. Read her thoughts here.

A Northumberland County dentist's license has been suspended after a joint investigation by Pennsylvania's Departments of Health and State revealed egregious lapses in infection control procedures. Among other issues, the practice had not tested samples from autoclaved instruments in a year and had only one handpiece onsite. Read Associate Editor Rob Goszkowski's article here.

In her latest Sheri's Solutions, Dr. Sheri Doniger asks how many times you've heard, "I know I need to see you, but ..." when you unexpectedly run into patients. She writes that the situation is a problem of the ages for dentistry and offers some advice. Read her solutions here.

Singapore researchers have discovered a distinct mutational signature and nine significantly mutated genes associated with nasopharyngeal cancer, paving the way for the development of novel therapies for the disease, according to a new study in Nature Genetics. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's article here.

The fact that infection control situations such as the one in Pennsylvania still occur is terrible, but it's also a reminder to review and perhaps redouble your own infection control efforts. It is also an opportunity for you to reach out to your patients and emphasize your excellent infection control processes. The more this becomes a conversation, the better it is for everyone.

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