ADA reassures public after Tulsa, Okla., oral surgeon investigation

The ADA has responded to the investigation of an oral surgeon in Tulsa, OK, who may have exposed thousands of patients to HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C, with a statement describing infection control procedures in dentistry and reassuring the public of their effectiveness.

The organization encouraged patients to talk to their dentists about any concerns they may have, so that dentists can describe or demonstrate their infection control procedures.

Regulations for dental office inspections are determined on a state-by-state basis by the state dental board, the ADA said. The organization added that it has long recommended that all practicing dentists, dental team members, and dental laboratories use standard precautions as described in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Infection Control in Dental Healthcare Settings guidelines. If proper infection control procedures are followed, studies have shown that risk to patients is extremely small, the ADA said.

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