3M sponsors infection-control contest

To highlight innovative infection prevention practices across the U.S. and to showcase original ways of improving patient care, the 3M Infection Prevention Division is sponsoring the 3M Innovation Award YouTube Video Contest.

This multiphase contest is designed to recognize the efforts of individuals and teams in U.S. healthcare facilities who work to reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), the company said.

Infection prevention professionals are invited to upload a short original video to www.youtube.com/3MInnovationAward demonstrating how they have transformed patient care and helped reduce the incidence of HAIs. The entries may be creative, educational, or both and must be submitted by September 13, 2010.

All entries will be reviewed by a panel of 3M judges. Submissions that meet all eligibility requirements will become finalists in a public voting phase from September 20 through October 8. The winning video will be announced on October 18, 2010, at the start of International Infection Prevention Week.

The entrants of the video receiving the most votes during the public voting phase will receive a $5,000 educational grant from 3M to continue their innovative initiative. They will also receive an expense-paid trip to 3M to meet with the Infection Prevention Division, take a tour of its Innovation Center, and participate in educational opportunities with 3M's Infection Prevention experts. Five runners-up will each receive a $1,000 educational grant.

To upload your video to YouTube, you will need to have a YouTube account. Go to www.youtube.com/3MInnovationAward to view a welcome announcement from Debra Rectenwald, president and general manager of 3M Infection Prevention. Click on the "View comments, related videos, and more" link. A text box will invite you to "respond to this video," at which time you can enter a short description of your video and your office or institution. Once entered, a camera icon will appear allowing you to upload your video.

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