Quantum touts new early caries detection system

TORONTO - Quantum Dental Technologies, a Canadian diagnostic device company, introduced a laser-based dental caries detection system prototype at the annual meeting of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR).

The Canary system uses a handheld laser that emits a low-power light to examine tooth surfaces, according to the company. The system measures the level of glow (luminescence) and heat released from the tooth to identify the extent of decay as deep as 5 mm from the tooth surface and as small as 50 microns in size. It can scan for caries on smooth enamel surfaces, root surfaces, biting surfaces, between teeth, and around existing fillings.

"Dentists are limited in their abilities to detect and monitor the early stages of tooth decay with traditional diagnostic tools such as the x-ray and visual examination," said Stephen Abrams, D.D.S., CEO of Quantum Dental Technologies, in a press release. "Now, with this innovative new system that is pain-free, noninvasive and provides early caries detection, we can finally move away from intervention, or the filling of cavities, to focus on prevention and actual remineralization or healing of small areas of tooth decay."

The Canary system will be in clinical trials for the next 18-24 months and will be released into the market in 2010.

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