Univ. of Maryland School of Dentistry establishes endowed professorship

2020 10 20 22 43 6947 Ernst Robert 400thumb

The University of Maryland School of Dentistry (UMSOD) has established a new endowed professorship with the Maryland Department of Commerce and private matching funds.

Robert Ernst, PhD. Image courtesy of the University of Maryland.Robert Ernst, PhD. Image courtesy of the University of Maryland.

The UMSOD has been awarded $750,000 by the commerce department's Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Fund (MEIF). In combination with matching funds from private philanthropy, this award will establish the Dr. Paul & Mrs. Jean Corcoran Endowed Professorship, which will support the work of Robert Ernst, PhD, a professor and vice chair in UMSOD's department of microbial pathogenesis.

Ernst has been researching the interplay between a bacterial pathogen and the host defense mechanism, and the work has led to the development of a diagnostic test for rapidly identifying infections caused by bacteria or fungi, according to the university. He is also a co-founder of the company Pataigin, which is developing a method to quickly identify disease-producing agents.

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