Hygiene Insider: 7 ways to talk with your patients about flossing

Dear Hygiene Insider,

Do your patients continue to ask if they have to floss? U.S. researchers looked at the evidence for and against flossing, and they offered seven strategies for talking about it with your patients in hopes of improving their oral health. Their findings suggest flossing has a crucial role to play in oral healthcare. Read our Insider Exclusive.

In other Hygiene Community news, what is the most important information to communicate to your pregnant patients? DrBicuspid.com spoke to dentists and obstetricians about how pregnant women can best take care of their own oral health and that of their children, including the need for proper oral hygiene. Some recommendations have evolved and may surprise you. Learn more here.

Does a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages potentially reduce childhood obesity rates? Before that provocative question can be answered, researchers need to know what impact these beverages have on children's total daily calorie consumption. New research presented at a major obesity conference may provide some answers. Read more here.

Does gum disease cause cardiovascular disease? This is a critical question and needs to be answered, if possible. Periodontist Dr. Alvin Danenberg looks at three peer-reviewed medical studies and offers his clinical perspective on this crucial issue for your patients' health. Learn more here.

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