Hygiene Insider: How effective is teledentistry in nursing homes?

Dear Hygiene Insider,

Teledentistry has been suggested as a way to meet the current unmet dental needs of elderly residents in long-term care facilities. But how good is the current technology, and is it ready for its close-up? The researchers of a new study wanted to see if teledentistry were as effective as face-to-face examinations for these patients. What did they conclude? Read our Insider Exclusive.

In other Hygiene Community news, missing teeth may be a risk factor for developing dementia, researchers have found. The more teeth older adults were missing, the more likely they were to develop dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, in the next few years, according to their findings. Learn more here.

Why is the caries rate higher for Latino children compared with other kids in the U.S., and what strategies can help lower caries prevalence? Researchers partnered with a community organization to conduct focus groups with Latino parents, and they reached some intriguing conclusions about how to better meet the dental and hygiene needs of these children. Read more here.

Power toothbrushes and whitening toothpastes are popular, but could they be too abrasive? A new study found that simulated long-term use of a power toothbrush combined with an abrasive whitening toothpaste produced significantly more dentin loss than with a manual toothbrush. Find out more here.

Also in the Hygiene Community, you'll find the following recent hygiene industry news:

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    "message": "Cannot execute GraphQL operations after the server has stopped.",
    "extensions": {
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