Week in Review: Titanium implants and peri-implantitis; U.S. oral health goals; and new products

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

When you use an ultrasonic scaler on your patient's titanium implants, your goal is to prevent peri-implantitis. But what if this action actually caused or aggravated it? A new study published in Scientific Reports examines this theory and whether the roughness of the implant surface has an effect. Read more here.

Also this week on DrBicuspid.com, the U.S. is mostly hitting its oral health goals from the Healthy People 2020 initiative on improving population health in the country, according to a new review. For the most part, dental treatment and preventive services have increased for U.S. children and adults over the past decade. Learn more here.

Every month we bring you our latest new products roundup. Since the middle of December, companies have introduced new products ranging from a smart toothbrush to a 3D printer. Our most recent roundup includes products from companies such as Kolibree, Microcopy, and TJA Health. Read more here.

It is our privilege to run a column from Dr. Alvin Danenberg every other week. In his latest column, he details his response to patient questions about mouthwash and mouthrinses. He writes that this is an opportunity to have an in-depth conversation about your patient's health. Read more here.

January 20, 2017, is a day that will be remembered for many reasons. We look forward to covering the developments that will affect your practice.

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