Hygiene Insider: Study finds hygienists feel ready for practice in underserved communities

Dear Hygiene Insider,

Dental hygienists feel ready to practice independently in underserved communities, according to a new study. Enabling hygienists to practice preventive care without supervision from a dentist can help resolve oral health disparities, the study author suggests. Read more in this Insider Exclusive by Assistant Editor Theresa Pablos.

In other Hygiene Community news, dental hygienist Suzanne Newkirk urges the Georgia Legislature and the Georgia Dental Association to consider the needs of the children of Georgia when a bill allowing dental hygienists to provide preventive services is reintroduced. Read her Second Opinion here.

It's estimated that half of American adults have periodontal disease. As part of your commitment to patients' optimal oral health, your hygiene department should monitor disease symptoms, educate patients about caring for their gums, and alert you when treatment may be necessary. Read more of Dr. Roger P. Levin's Practice Success tip.

In this exclusive video from the recent California Dental Association's CDA Presents 2016 conference in San Francisco, dental hygienist Katherine Soal speaks about the uses of local anesthesia, new developments in the field, and patient reactions. See the video here.

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