AAPD offers tips for tooth-friendly Halloween

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) is reminding parents, oral health practitioners, and caregivers to pay attention to the types of treats children eat this Halloween.

"The longer teeth are exposed to sugars, the longer cavity-causing bacteria have to feed on them. Instead of gummy, sticky candy, offer children candy that melts and disappears quickly -- like chocolate," AAPD President Robert Delarosa, DDS, said in a press release. "And always make sure children brush and floss their teeth before going to bed."

Other AAPD Halloween tips include the following:

  • Gummies, caramel, sour candies, and bubble gum can dislodge fillings, crowns, space maintainers, and orthodontic appliances.
  • Hidden sugars such as glucose, fructose, and honey that appear in foods such as cereal bars, flavored yogurts, fruit bars, pureed fruit pouches, and juices can be just as destructive to children's teeth as candy.
  • Not only is bottled water environmentally unfriendly, it also lacks fluoride. Decorate a Halloween-themed reusable water bottle and have children fill it with tap water.
  • Before trick-or-treating, children should eat a well-balanced meal to reduce the chance that they will fill up on empty calories and sugar.

For more Halloween tips and a Mouth Monster coloring sheet, visit mouthmonsters.mychildrensteeth.org.

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