Delta Dental Foundation seeks applications for community grants

The Delta Dental Foundation is seeking applications from community-based oral health programs and organizations in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana for its Brighter Futures Community Grants program.

The program will award $150,000 in grants to organizations that focus on children's oral health and $100,000 in grants to organizations that address oral health in adults.

Submission guidelines include the following:

  • Grants are limited to a maximum of $5,000.
  • Grants must be dedicated to local not-for-profit programs designed to promote oral health in Michigan, Indiana, and/or Ohio.
  • Programs designed to promote/improve the oral health of underserved or at-risk populations and to those with an oral health education component are of particular interest.
  • The program limits one proposal per organization per year.

Delta Dental will evaluate each application based on certain factors, including the program's focus on children, value to the community, measurable results, and the level of local community support.

The submission deadline is September 30, 2015. Recipients will be announced in December 2015. Information is available on the foundation's website.

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