New healing kit designed by orofacial pain experts available

2020 04 23 20 20 2147 Orofacial Therapeutics Speed2 Treat 20200423205647

Orofacial Therapeutics has announced that dental professionals can now prescribe and sell its head, neck, and jaw healing kit to patients.

The Speed2Treat home healing kit can help reduce patients' dysfunction and prevent a musculoskeletal injury from progressing to a chronic condition, according to the company. The kit works for acute jaw joint and muscle sprain/strain, mild head and neck trauma, a chin or jaw injury, tension headaches, and myriad other conditions.

The Speed2Treat home healing kit. Image courtesy of Orofacial Therapeutics.The Speed2Treat home healing kit. Image courtesy of Orofacial Therapeutics.

Each kit may include a four-week care plan and associated components, including a temporary overnight oral appliance, hot/cold packs, and virtual reality experiences, depending on the product purchased. The regimen can also be executed through telemedicine visits during the ongoing pandemic.

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