Astra Tech offers patient-specific abutments

Dental implant company Astra Tech announced that it is selling Atlantis-brand abutments for Straumann Bone Level 3.3, 4.1, and 4.8 diameter implants. Material options for this new interface include titanium and gold-shaded titanium (Atlantis GoldHue abutment).

Atlantis abutments are designed and fabricated using Atlantis Virtual Abutment Design (VAD), a process that combines 3D optical scanning, software, and manufacturing methods to create patient-specific abutments. The abutments eliminate the need for hand modification, according to Astra Tech.

Atlantis abutments are available for all major implant systems and in titanium, gold-shaded titanium, and zirconia.

Atlantis abutments for all interfaces can be ordered online via Atlantis WebOrder, which also allows customers to view their abutment designs by using Atlantis 3D viewer.

Astra Tech is a subsidiary of AstraZeneca. In 2007, Astra Tech acquired the U.S. company Atlantis Components, which gave Astra Tech access to the latest CAD/CAM technology for patient-specific abutments.

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