Apply now for AAIDF 2023 research grants

Surgeon Dental Implant

Candidates have until July 1 to apply for student and large research grants from the American Academy of Implant Dentistry Foundation (AAIDF).

The foundation provides grants to researchers discovering new and innovative ways to advance the field of implant dentistry and translate it into clinical practice.

The AAIDF Large Research Grants Program, which accepts funding requests of up to $25,000 for projects up to a two-year grant period, is intended to provide limited support for meritorious dental implant research projects for the following purposes:

  • To conduct research that determines the feasibility of a larger research project
  • To develop and test new techniques and procedures
  • To conduct small clinical or animal research projects
  • To analyze grant data

The David Steflik Memorial Student Research Grants are available to dental students and those in postgraduate and residency programs interested in pursuing research in the field of oral implantology. Applicants may request up to $2,000 to fund their research for up to a two-year grant period.

Also, applicants can attend a future AAIDF annual conference and present the project findings once the research is complete, with reimbursement for travel costs. To apply for funding, visit AAIDF.  

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