Digital x-rays effective in finding occlusal caries

Direct digital radiography is as effective as conventional radiography in diagnosing occlusal caries lesions in primary molars, according to a study in Dentomaxillofacial Radiology (September 2010, Vol. 39:6, pp. 362-367).

Researchers from the University of SĂŁo Paulo evaluated 50 molars in vitro using visual inspection, conventional radiography, and digital radiography. Direct digital radiographs were obtained with the Dixi3 system (Planmeca), while conventional radiographs were obtained using InSight film (Kodak Eastman).

For lesions limited to the enamel, visual inspection showed significantly higher sensitivity and accuracy than both radiographic methods, but no significant difference was found in specificity. For teeth with dentinal caries, no significant differences were found for any parameter when comparing visual and radiographic evaluation.

"Although less accurate than the visual method for detecting caries lesions confined to the enamel, the direct digital radiographic method is as effective as conventional radiographic examination and visual inspection of primary teeth with occlusal caries when the dentine is involved," the researchers concluded.

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