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2009 02 04 12 50 02 649 Pw Leftgraphic
KODAK 9000 3D
Extraoral Imaging System

The Kodak 9000 3D system redefines the digital radiography market, providing a true 2-in-1-system solution. Obtain high-definition panoramic images coupled with focused-field 3D imaging at a very low dose of radiation! Offering the highest resolution on the market, the 9000 3D system requires no manual sensor adjustment and includes intuitive, easy-to-use software, helping you save time so you can concentrate on your patients.

Ask about our extended field of view feature!

The 9000 3D system not only allows you to capture a 3D localized area of interest in high resolution, but you can also capture the entire mandibular or maxillary arch using the new extended field of view capabilities. The 9000 3D system gives you the power to determine how much information you want to view, and the quick image capture and display will fit naturally into your everyday workflow.

Radiation dose is important to both you and your patients, so only radiate when necessary. The Kodak 9000 3D system will give your patients a very low dose of radiation but still allow you to see everything you need to see.

The KODAK 9000 3D System — Responsible Radiation...

For more information on the KODAK 9000 3D Extraoral Imaging System, click here.


  Online Videos Available:

KODAK 9000 3D Extraoral Imaging System
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
See the KODAK 9000 3D Extraoral Imaging System come together and learn more about this exciting new product.
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  The New KODAK 9000 3D Extraoral Imaging System
February 2008
Paul Tucker discusses the new KODAK 9000 3D Extraoral Imaging System with Dr. Jeff Rohde, DDS, MS at the 2008 Chicago Midwinter Dental Show.
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©PracticeWorks, Inc., 2008.
The Kodak trademark and trade dress are used under license from Kodak.

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