New iPhone app eases kids' dental anxieties

Fraser, a Minnesota nonprofit serving children and adults with special needs, and Delta Dental of Minnesota have released the My Healthy Smile app for iPhones and iPods.

The app was developed to teach children about good oral health and to ease anxieties around dental visits. Eleven audio and visual social scripts help teach children what to expect at the dentist's office and how to have good oral care at home. Topics include having your teeth cleaned, taking x-rays, getting fillings, losing a tooth, brushing, and healthy eating.

The use of social scripts works especially well for children who have autism or developmental disabilities, according to Pat Pulice, director of autism services at Fraser.

The app was created in partnership with dentists, oral health professionals, and families, and is designed for children between the developmental ages of 3 and 10, according to Delta Dental.

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