Fla. dentist develops cosmetic dentistry iPhone app

Miami Beach, FL, dentist Jared Plitt, D.M.D., has designed a cosmetic dentistry application that can be used with the iPod Touch, iPad, and iPhone.

The Cosmetic Dentistry Calculator provides a starting point for aesthetic case planning and is a useful diagnostic tool that can be used chairside during patient consultations, according to Dr. Plitt. It is intended for dentists, dental students, dental ceramists, and lab technicians.

The app features a tab bar along the bottom of the screen that allows users to choose different features, such as:

  • The Existing Ratio calculator, which automatically computes the current width to length percentage of one or both maxillary central incisors. It displays the results in a clear way that is illustrated graphically so patients can visualize any discrepancy, according to Dr. Plitt's website.

  • The Ideal Ratio calculator, which uses phi to instantly predict a size for the maxillary anterior teeth that is sure to be visually pleasing.

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