William Barrett and Casey Gocel[email protected]Practice SalesThe keys to a successful associate buy-inIt's a wonderful time to be an entrepreneurial dentist, whether you're a junior dentist looking to buy into a practice or a senior dentist looking to sell or expand your practice. In this column, William Barrett and Casey Gocel of the law firm Mandelbaum Salsburg look at minority interest transactions -- better known as buy-ins. These types of transactions can be extremely advantageous to both sellers and buyers.November 25, 2019Dental PracticeIndependent contractor or employee: What's the difference?It's a vexing question for practice owners: Is the new dentist joining your practice an independent contractor or an employee? The question isn't an academic one, as getting it wrong can result in severe financial penalties. William Barrett and Casey Gocel of the law firm Mandelbaum Salsburg illustrate the differences.August 6, 2018Page 1 of 1Top StoriesIndustry UpdatesDentist pleads not guilty in 4-week-old patient's deathA dentist pleaded not guilty to professional misconduct charges related to the death of a healthy four-week-old boy who died during a common procedure.BrainGum disease may be linked to impaired brain functionInvisible AlignersAI applications on the rise in clear aligner therapySmile DesignClinical tip: What you need to know about platelet-rich fibrinSponsor ContentCandid Conversations