Judy Greenlea Taylor, DDS, MPH[email protected]Dental HygieneSecond Opinion: NDA statement defends accepting 'Big Soda' donationsOn October 11, DrBicuspid.com reported on a published study that cited almost 100 organizations, including the National Dental Association (NDA), that have accepted sponsorship funds from the two large soda-producing corporations. In this Second Opinion, NDA President Dr. Judy Greanlea Taylor spells out her association's position.October 12, 2016Page 1 of 1Top StoriesLegal IssuesDental assistant sentenced to lengthy prison termA dental assistant accused of accessing the private media of dozens of patients and co-workers and taking lewd videos of women was sentenced.EndodonticsNanoparticles may be key to treating root canal infectionsOffice Management4 ways to ensure an incredibly successful practicePractice SalesAssessing the risks when selling your dental practice: A guide for practice ownersLegal IssuesDentist accused of fraud jailed for threatening to harm prosecutor