Leslie Townsend, DDS[email protected]Sports DentistryMouthguards offer prevention for fall and winter sportsAs Dr. Leslie Townsend writes, adults who grew up playing hockey sometimes joke about the teeth they left behind at the rink. But think how much better their lives would have been with one small preventive measure: a mouthguard. She advocates educating parents and patients about the importance of mouthguards.November 6, 2014Pathology6 signs of stress to be aware of in patientsAs a dental professional, you recognize that dental visits may be stressful for patients and try to alleviate that stress. But you also need to recognize signs of chronic stress in patients, because the symptoms can first appear in their mouths, according to Dr. Leslie Townsend. She presents six common signs that may indicate your patients are stressed-out.April 15, 2014Page 1 of 1Top StoriesLegal IssuesDental assistant accused of smuggling $1.5M in drugsA dental assistant was arrested at an airport in Taiwan for allegedly smuggling more than $1.5 million worth of marijuana in her checked suitcase.Alternative Pain TherapiesThe key to dentin hypersensitivity may be in your kitchenImplantsE-cigarettes may affect dental implant integrationLegal IssuesWife pleads guilty to evading taxes for husband's dental practiceSponsor ContentJoin Us for a FREE Webinar November 12