Caren M. Barnes[email protected]PeriodonticsTo polish or not to polish?A veteran hygienist describes a simple solution to the ages-old dilemma presented by selective polishing.January 2, 2011Hygiene ToolsWhat is microsonic scaling?Don't be alarmed if you haven't heard of microsonic scaling or don't know what it is. Turns out it's something dental practitioners already use every day, according to Caren Barnes, a dental hygienist and professor of dental hygiene at the University of Nebraska.December 21, 2010Page 1 of 1Top StoriesLegal IssuesDental assistant sentenced to lengthy prison termA dental assistant accused of accessing the private media of dozens of patients and co-workers and taking lewd videos of women was sentenced.EndodonticsNanoparticles may be key to treating root canal infectionsOffice Management4 ways to ensure an incredibly successful practicePractice SalesAssessing the risks when selling your dental practice: A guide for practice ownersLegal IssuesDentist accused of fraud jailed for threatening to harm prosecutor