Cloud Dentistry partners with tax filing app Keeper

2016 09 15 14 21 56 951 Dental Team 400

Cloud Dentistry, an online firm that matches employers with full-time and temporary dental professionals, has partnered with Keeper, a tax filing app designed for gig workers.

Cloud Dentistry will not earn a commission from the partnership. Instead, Cloud Dentistry professionals will receive a 53% discount when they use Keeper to file their taxes. This means Cloud Dentistry professionals pay $79 for the app.

Both full-time employees and independent contractors who use the app have access to the following features:

  • The ability to connect bank accounts for instant personalization and tax breaks
  • Automated discovery of tax write-offs among past transactions
  • The ability to file federal taxes directly with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and state taxes with every state in the U.S.
  • Support for more than 300 types of credits and deductions
  • Smart audit protection and an accuracy guarantee

Also, Keeper offers an in-app tax assistant that can answer questions and provide educational resources.

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