Henry Schein CEO receives HU honorary degree

2022 06 15 17 57 6793 2022 06 15 Bergman Stanley Degree 400

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) presented an honorary doctorate degree to Stanley M. Bergman, chairman of the board and CEO of Henry Schein.

Stanley M. Bergman receiving the honorary doctorate degree from HU. Image courtesy of Henry Schein.Stanley M. Bergman receiving the honorary doctorate degree from HU. Image courtesy of Henry Schein.

Presented at the 85th Board of Governors Meeting in Israel on June 13, Bergman, a member of HU's board, received the degree for his strong commitment to Israel, the Jewish community, educational initiatives, and cultural diversity. Also, Bergman was honored for his contributions to the university, specifically the faculty of dental medicine, and his Bridge to Peace initiative, which provides prevention and treatment to patients with special needs.

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