ADA supports student loan bill

2016 10 31 16 18 11 359 Ada Logo 400

The ADA has signaled its support of the Student Loan Interest Deduction Act of 2021, which would double the interest rate deduction for student loans, in a recent letter to the bill's sponsor.

ADA President Dr. Cesar Sabates and Executive Director Dr. Raymond Cohlmia thanked Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) for introducing the bill (HR 4726) in a May 31 letter.

"Today's new dentists face unprecedented levels of debt as a direct result of paying for dental school," wrote Drs. Sabates and Cohlmia. They noted that new dentists graduate, on average, with nearly $305,000 in educational debt, according to a recent survey.

HR 4726 proposes modifications to tax deductions for student loan interest by increasing the maximum deduction for interest paid on any qualified education loan up to $5,000 ($10,000 for married couples filing a joint tax return) and repealing the limitation on the deduction based on one's modified adjusted gross income.

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