Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): What dental practitioners need to know

COVID-19 FAQs, page 12

12. What about foreign and domestic travel?

In light of the potential for exposure to COVID-19, it may be wise to defer any unnecessary travel. This is especially true for countries on the CDC travel warning list, which, at this time, includes China, Iran, Italy, South Korea, Japan, and Hong Kong. More countries are likely to be added to this list.

In addition to the risk of exposure to COVID-19, you may be denied entry into the country you wish to travel to or back into the U.S. upon your return or be quarantined.

Unnecessary domestic travel should probably be avoided as well, at least until this situation begins to resolve. Many businesses have prohibited travel and a growing number of events, such as concerts and meetings, have been canceled or postponed.

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