Week in Review: Top 10 DSOs; regional fee comparisons; and stains after teeth bleaching

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Almost 7% of dentists in the U.S. are associated with dental service/support organizations (DSOs), according to a recent ADA Health Policy Institute report. However, there's no readily available list of which are the largest DSOs. We present our already-updated list of the 10 largest DSOs in the U.S., based on publicly available information. Learn more here.

Also this week on DrBicuspid.com, how does your office compare with others in your geographic region in terms of what you charge for certain procedures? Alitta Boechler of Sikka Software ran the numbers to show how fees for certain procedures differ by region. Read part 1 here and part 2 here.

How can dental practitioners and patients combat the greater susceptibility of teeth to staining immediately after bleaching? A new study tested the effectiveness of various surface treatments and waiting times at preventing staining from red wine after bleaching. Learn more here.

Healthcare providers are being asked to use antibiotics less often to reduce the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but are dentists getting the message? A new study found good and bad news when it comes to how dentists are using preventive antibiotics in patients at risk for infective endocarditis. Read more here.

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