DrBicuspid.com Case of the Day Format
The short case title should generally include the patient's age, gender, symptoms, and/or brief history if applicable.
9-year-old girl with oral lesion
30-year-old HIV-positive man with tongue pain
For author listings on the Case Overview page, please include names, credentials/degrees, and names of institutions/facilities for proper attribution, as well as email addresses in case we have questions about the case, need additional case information, and for final online review.
Also, each contributor/author will need to agree to DrBicuspid.com's contributor agreement terms, which give DrBicuspid.com the rights and permissions to publish the case: http://contentagreement.imvinfo.com.
Page 1 - Contributor information, patient history, images, questions
The first page of the case should include the contributor information at the top, the patient's history, case images, and questions regarding the case.
Contributor text:
Can include more descriptive information, patient's medical history, etc.
Next, upload and place images. Images should NOT include any identifying information about the patient. Images should be high-resolution JPG, PNG, or GIF images. The system will automatically create thumbnail images that link to larger versions for viewing in a pop-up window.
Use the "Create New Multiple Choice/True/False Question" buttons to add case questions. Multiple choice and true/false formats and examples are listed below.
Please note: The first question must apply to an image included on page 1 that could be used as the case thumbnail image featured on the site home page.
Which choice best characterizes the salient findings?
What is the salient finding?
The differential diagnosis should include which of the following?
Enter the answer options, and be sure to select the correct answer and save changes for the question.
There is a lytic, lucent lesion in the left mandible.
There is no disruption of the medial cortex.
Please include individual T/F statements as complete sentences, select correct answer, and save changes.
Page 2 - Additional images and questions (if needed)
Include additional images and questions as needed. For example, if the patient underwent further imaging with a different modality.
Additional questions or images can be included on other pages as needed as well.
Page 3 - Findings and diagnosis
Case images are typically shown again here but smaller and/or
annotated indicating the findings, along with a list for
differential diagnoses and the final diagnosis.
Findings: Include a description of the image findings by modality.
Radiographs: [Describe the radiographic findings here.]
CT: [Describe the CT findings here.]
Differential/final diagnosis: List possible differential diagnoses in a bulleted list, followed by the final diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis
- Diagnosis 1
- Diagnosis 2
- Diagnosis 3
- Diagnosis 4
Diagnosis: [Final diagnosis]
[An additional page can be added for treatment and follow-up information if desired.]
Page 4 - Discussion/key points and references
Discussion/key points
Please include discussion text in paragraph form OR include a bulleted list of key points.
Text can include the condition's pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical presentation,
imaging features, more information regarding differential diagnoses, treatment, etc.
Below the Discussion/Key point section, please include an ordered list of
references listed alphabetically by author last name -- different examples
are shown below.
We follow American Medical Association (AMA) style.
- Federle MP, Jeffrey RB, Woodward PJ, Borhani A. Diagnostic Imaging: Abdomen. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009:135-139.
- Pediatric x-ray imaging. Food and Drug Administration website. http://www.fda.gov/Radiation-EmittingProducts/RadiationEmittingProductsandProcedures/MedicalImaging/ucm298899.htm. Accessed March 27, 2013.
- Pipavath SN, Godwin JD. Acute pulmonary thromboembolism: A historical perspective. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008;191(3):639-641.
- Wallace RJ Jr, Griffith DE. Antimycobacterial agents. In: Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Longo DL, Braunwald E, Hauser SL, Jameson JL, eds. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 16th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2005:946.
- Wild JM, Marshall H, Xu X, et al. Simultaneous imaging of lung structure and function with triple-nuclear hybrid MR imaging. Radiology. 2013;267(1):251-255.