Levin on first impressions; Morgan on leadership; Butler on combating negative emotions

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

The average new patient contributes a production level of approximately three times that of a current patient. That's why it's so important to make an excellent first impression, according to Dr. Roger P. Levin. The patient sees that yours is a caring practice dedicated to providing excellent dentistry -- and the patient in turn will become dedicated to the practice.

Amy Morgan, CEO of the Pride Institute, examines how the leadership and problem-solving skills that are considered feminine are really just the beginning of a new way for you to look at opportunities to make your practice better. Read her insightful comments here.

In her latest column, stress management expert Jen Butler looks at what happens when negative emotions arise when things don't go as planned. She notes that even when you've done your homework, things can go wrong. She presents some practical and innovative ideas for seeing these events as opportunities, not obstacles.

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission and Texas business groups are urging the rejection of new rules by the state dental board regarding dental service organizations (DSOs), saying they would restrict dentists' ability to contract with DSOs. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's article here.

In a News in Brief on the site, we report on British authorities seizing counterfeit dental equipment that was purchased from auction sites. It's a reminder that while these sites are working with authorities and it is in their best interest to ensure the products offered are legitimate, these things still happen even in 2014. Take that extra step to make sure you are getting what you pay for.

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