Global Dental Relief offers more than travel; Levin on marketing strategies; toothbrush lasers

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How about an exotic vacation such as hiking Mount Everest, going on an African safari, or exploring the temples of Angkor Wat? Volunteers for Global Dental Relief provide dental care for children in impoverished areas while also experiencing local cultures. Read more here.

The gold standard for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure. But how do you treat these patients if they wear dentures and cannot tolerate the treatment? Dr. Walter J. Kucaba offers a solution in this case study.

Word-of-mouth advertising is an established, effective way to grow a practice. If you're not getting a substantial number of new patient referrals from your existing patients, implement new internal marketing strategies to take advantage of this untapped growth potential, according to Dr. Roger P. Levin.

In previous studies, certain types of lasers were effective in reducing dentin hypersensitivity. Why not attach one to a toothbrush? Korean researchers have done just that in a new study published in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. Read more here.

The opportunity to help children in developing parts of the world is a life-changing event for many of the dentists who have participated in Global Dental Relief's program. As Features Editor Donna Domino details, dentists from all over the U.S. have taken advantage of the opportunity to help children and have their own boundaries expanded.

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