Motion View launches new ortho indirect bonding module

Orthodontic software developer Motion View Software has launched its new Indirect Bonding Transfer Tray module for creating orthodontic bracket transfer trays to use for precision orthodontic bracket placement.

The new module for the Ortho Insight 3DT orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning software allows a dentist to completely skip making the model and tray manually, avoiding the setup of positioning the brackets on a model, according to the company.

After making the setup with virtual brackets on the 3D model, the transfer tray files are exported to a 3D printer. Then the tray is printed using the 3D printer. To test the treatment plan virtually in the software, an archwire can be inserted into the bracket slot of the virtual brackets, which allows fine-tuning of the tooth positions. The software automatically calculates the required bracket position to attain the tooth position.

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