Fla. dentist sues Heartland; Levin on what makes your practice unique; improving patients' oral health

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

A Florida dentist is suing the Heartland Dental chain, claiming the company fired him after illegally taking over his practice through a complicated series of transactions and employment agreements. The suit is similar to a 2011 case in which a North Carolina dentist illegally sold his practice to Heartland. Read more here.

Factors that make your practice special and unique are known as your competitive advantages, and they help determine your practice brand. They are a powerful way to convince patients in your community that your office is their best choice, according to Dr. Roger Levin.

One of the best opportunities for your patients to improve their oral health is to receive useful information at your office about home care products. In her latest column, Carrie Ibbetson reminds us that, as patients are looking to dental professionals for accurate and relevant information, doesn't it make sense for staff to have a better understanding of how to most effectively use the products? Read her column here.

In this Second Opinion, Patrick Gleason, the director of state affairs for Americans for Tax Reform, looks at recent legislation in Texas and North Carolina concerning dental service organizations and how these bills may affect competition for dental services. Read more here.

I want to take the opportunity to remind everyone that our Forums are a service provided for lively discussion and debate, not for airing issues better kept private. Our Terms of Service are fair to everyone and if you follow those guidelines, there's never going to be an issue. Think before you post, and remember there are real people reading your posts, professionals who care just as deeply about an issue as you do.

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