Benco recognizes women in dentistry

Benco Dental plans to recognize women in dentistry at its annual event.

The Lucy Hobbs Project Annual Celebration honoring women in the dental community will take place in Orlando, FL, on June 6.

Six women will receive a Lucy Hobbs award:

  • Karen Gear, DDS
  • Mary Hartigan, DDS
  • Maria Maranga, DDS
  • Terryl Propper, DDS
  • Katti Webb Simpson, IPDH
  • Kaaren Vargas, DDS, PhD

These winners and three others, to be announced at the annual event, help lead the charge for women in dentistry and embody the project goals, Benco noted.

The Lucy Hobbs Project is a national, long-term program based on three pillars: networking, innovating, and giving back. The project aims to bring women together from all facets of the dental industry: dentists, dental assistants, hygienists, receptionists, sales representatives, and others. It is free to join and offers networking opportunities, education programs, and charitable events.

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