Dentist honored for video production skills

For the third consecutive year, Joseph Massad, DDS, of Tulsa, OK, has received Telly Awards for his accomplishments in video production, making him an eight-time Telly Award winner overall.

The first of Dr. Massad's two bronze Telly Awards for 2012 recognizes his achievements in the Use of Animation for the instructional DVD entitled "Oral-B SmartSeries 5000." As the producer/director of the DVD presentation, Dr. Massad illustrates his published techniques for patients using the "smart toothbrush" to clean their dental implant-supported prosthetic appliances.

The second 2012 Telly Award, bestowed in the Education category, commends Dr. Massad as writer/producer/director of the online "DentalLibrary."

The Telly Awards competition attracts more than 11,000 entries each year from the most respected production companies, advertising agencies, television stations, cable operators, and corporate video departments from around the world.

Dr. Massad's son, who has 23 Telly Awards, five Emmys, and one New York Festival World Medal, serves as his video production mentor.

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