Do early dental problems lead to poor health later?

Australian researchers are working to determine whether poor dental health can influence children to eat unhealthy food, placing them at higher risk of obesity and chronic disease in later life.

The University of Queensland Children's Nutrition Research Centre and School of Dentistry are seeking volunteers for the new study, which aims to determine if children may be modifying their diets to accommodate dental problems, particularly children born prematurely, the university noted in a press release.

The study could demonstrate that dental problems do lead to a poor diet and high body fat in children, which could aid in the development of health screening and prevention programs to protect those children at highest risk, according to university officials.

The study has particular relevance for children born prematurely, as research shows they are more likely to experience feeding and dental problems than children born at full term. Children born prematurely are also at higher risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in later life.

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