Delta Dental survey offers Halloween tips and tricks

Halloween is around the corner and so is a dentist's worst nightmare -- candy, candy, and more candy.

Dentists across the U.S. tackle Halloween in their own distinctive way -- some run a candy buyback program, others replace the sweet stuff with treats like coloring books, while the rest just let kids overdose because, well, it's Halloween.

Confused about what to do?

Delta Dental's Tricky Treats survey, which asked 250 dentists for tips and tricks on handling Halloween, may be of some help. While 40% of those surveyed said kids should be allowed to enjoy their candy on Halloween, 60% recommend limiting the intake.

Other tips included "get rid of Halloween candy when your kids forget about it" and "reward kids with candy when they do something good."

Click here for the full 2011 Tricky Treats survey.

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