Survey: 35% of Americans cut back on dental visits

In the past year, more than one-third of people in the U.S. who regularly visit the dentist have cut back, according to a recent public opinion survey commissioned by Oral Health America.

The survey also found that a greater number (47%) of larger households and those with younger children have cut back on their visits to the dentist in the past year.

These findings are one of the many reasons why OHA has launched its second annual Fall for Smiles campaign, the organization announced. The campaign aims to remind policymakers and the public about the importance of dental self-care, regular dental visits, healthy food choices, and avoiding tobacco products.

Fall for Smiles runs through the end of October. Dental offices, health educators, school dental program officials, parents, and others can find tools to promote healthy mouths, including a social media guide, coloring sheets, and campaign handbook by visiting the OHA website.

The Fall for Smiles survey, sponsored by Oral Healthcare Can't Wait and Plackers, was conducted online within the U.S. by Harris Interactive in June 2011.

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