DrBicuspid.com would like to extend a special welcome all TDA members!

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DrBicuspid.com would like to extend a special welcome all TDA members!

DrBicuspid.com is the web site with a silly name but a serious purpose. DrBicuspid's goal is to provide the very best in online daily dental news, information and education. We hope you'll take a moment to browse the site. Membership in DrBicuspid.com is free.

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Click here now to become a member and receive your CE course discounts. DrBicuspid will never share your name or e-mail with outside parties.

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2010 06 02 15 44 10 990 Up Arrow HIDE WELCOME MESSAGE 2010 06 02 15 44 10 990 Up Arrow                     
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2010 06 02 15 44 10 792 Down Arrow SHOW WELCOME MESSAGE 2010 06 02 15 44 10 792 Down Arrow
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