Ga. dentist runs for U.S. Congress

A former president of the Georgia Dental Association is running in the Republican primary for representative in the U.S. Congress.

Lee Hawkins, D.D.S., a former state senator and Gainesville, GA, general dentist, faces Tom Graves, a property manager who served in the state House of Representatives, in a June 8 runoff for the nomination.

Congress has only two dentists in office, Rep. John Linder, D.D.S., also a Republican from Georgia, and Rep. Mike Simpson, D.D.S. (R-ID). The ADA has credited both with helping the organization advance its positions in Congress. Dr. Linder has announced plans to retire from office at the end of this year.

Dr. Hawkins' website describes his opposition to "Obamacare" and calls for expansion of health savings accounts and tax credits for personal insurance.

While Dr. Hawkins is running for the 9th Congressional District seat as a mainstream conservative, Graves is presenting himself as the Tea Party candidate, according to the Associated Press.

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