Community Controller
This controller allows for some configuration/setup of communities on the IMV Publishing sites that support communities (AuntMinnie and DrBicuspid for example).
Due to the evolution of our architecture there are some differences in how the control functions and differences in the definition of some fields. As well, not everything is fully implemented.
special feature left side (this really means, special feature or hot topic “above” the right column ads). The intention with putting editorial content above the right column ads is to create a separation from the P09 Leaderboard banner ad and the right column ads. If there is no P09 Leaderboard banner ad in the community the suggestion is to NOT use the special feature left side capability.
special feature right side (this really means, special feature or hot topic “below” the right column ads).
The text box entry next to the special feature left/right side is for a “teaser” article ID. This is not the actual article you want the user to go to, but an article (content type of “one time use”, no author, no copyright, not searchable) where only the article body is used. The entire article body will be displayed in the space above or below the right-column ads. Keep in mind that the entire article body will be displayed. In the special feature right (below the ad column) you could have a list of articles or other links such as Buyer's Guide links.
The radio buttons next to the text box will automatically display the associated graphic. When setting up a special feature you can determine if the material is more of a special feature piece or a hot topic. Or choose None and no graphic will be displayed, this enables you to have a custom graphic that you would display via an "img src" tag within the article body.
After setting up a special feature click “Submit”. You will be presented with a couple links, one is “Clear Cache and Refresh Community Pages”. While the cache will automatically refresh after about 15 minutes you can force it to clear and refresh by clicking the link. You will be taken to the community home page where you can click thru to the community of interest to see the results.
The following is a complete teaser article body example:
Adolescents' attitude before ortho surgery crucial to outcome
Young patients who are motivated about aesthetic changes and improved function before undergoing orthognathic surgery are... read more .
Images – In most cases a thumbnail image would have been created and associated with the actual destination article giving you the ability to point to that same image. An easy way to get the location of that image (when you’re on the home page of the site or on the community article listing page) is to on the thumbnail image and then click on “Properties”. You’ll see the complete reference to the image which starts like ...
you only need the folder and filename portion of the property. Using the above example this would be
In some cases you may wish to include a larger thumbnail or a different image from the actual destination article. Once you have that image you can upload it to the teaser article. Once uploaded, click somewhere at the end of the body of the teaser article and type “;##;” this sequence will invoke the image selector. The image you uploaded should be visible, click the radio button “raw” and then “Add Elements Selected Above” which will give you the full folder and filename specification that you can use in the teaser.
The px settings in the style="margin:12px 10px 32px 2px;" are for spacing around the image. The order of these are important, defining the
order of “top”, “right”, “bottom” and “left”.
The article id shown, 303772, is the actual article you want the user to go to.
This controller allows for some configuration/setup of communities on the IMV Publishing sites that support communities (AuntMinnie and DrBicuspid for example).
Due to the evolution of our architecture there are some differences in how the control functions and differences in the definition of some fields. As well, not everything is fully implemented.
special feature left side (this really means, special feature or hot topic “above” the right column ads). The intention with putting editorial content above the right column ads is to create a separation from the P09 Leaderboard banner ad and the right column ads. If there is no P09 Leaderboard banner ad in the community the suggestion is to NOT use the special feature left side capability.
special feature right side (this really means, special feature or hot topic “below” the right column ads).
The text box entry next to the special feature left/right side is for a “teaser” article ID. This is not the actual article you want the user to go to, but an article (content type of “one time use”, no author, no copyright, not searchable) where only the article body is used. The entire article body will be displayed in the space above or below the right-column ads. Keep in mind that the entire article body will be displayed. In the special feature right (below the ad column) you could have a list of articles or other links such as Buyer's Guide links.
The radio buttons next to the text box will automatically display the associated graphic. When setting up a special feature you can determine if the material is more of a special feature piece or a hot topic. Or choose None and no graphic will be displayed, this enables you to have a custom graphic that you would display via an "img src" tag within the article body.
After setting up a special feature click “Submit”. You will be presented with a couple links, one is “Clear Cache and Refresh Community Pages”. While the cache will automatically refresh after about 15 minutes you can force it to clear and refresh by clicking the link. You will be taken to the community home page where you can click thru to the community of interest to see the results.
The following is a complete teaser article body example:

Young patients who are motivated about aesthetic changes and improved function before undergoing orthognathic surgery are... read more .
Images – In most cases a thumbnail image would have been created and associated with the actual destination article giving you the ability to point to that same image. An easy way to get the location of that image (when you’re on the home page of the site or on the community article listing page) is to ...
you only need the folder and filename portion of the property. Using the above example this would be
In some cases you may wish to include a larger thumbnail or a different image from the actual destination article. Once you have that image you can upload it to the teaser article. Once uploaded, click somewhere at the end of the body of the teaser article and type “;##;” this sequence will invoke the image selector. The image you uploaded should be visible, click the radio button “raw” and then “Add Elements Selected Above” which will give you the full folder and filename specification that you can use in the teaser.
The px settings in the style="margin:12px 10px 32px 2px;" are for spacing around the image. The order of these are important, defining the
order of “top”, “right”, “bottom” and “left”.
The article id shown, 303772, is the actual article you want the user to go to.