Most Americans not ready for dental emergencies

Although 72% of Americans have fillings, caps or crowns and one in six had a dental emergency during the past 12 months, most are not prepared to deal with a dental emergency, according to a recent survey conducted by Majestic Drug, a provider of oral care products.

In the national survey of 1,000 Americans, those with a lower income (less than $35,000) were more likely to have had a dental emergency in the past 12 months (vs. 14% of those who make $100,000 or more).

Of those who had a dental emergency, 23% involved a loose crown or cap, 10% involved a lost filling, and 72% said their dental emergency involved something else.

Among those who had a dental emergency involving a loose crown/cap or a lost filling, 67% immediately went to a dentist, and 14% looked for a temporary solution to purchase, while 19% did nothing at the time.

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