Bookkeeper guilty of embezzling $1.6 million from dentist

A bookkeeper accused of embezzling $1.6 million from the Oceanside, CA, dental office where she had worked for more than 15 years has pleaded guilty, according to a story in the North County Times.

Victoria Lee Wafford agreed to plead guilty to one count of grand theft, Deputy District Attorney Anna Winn told the newspaper. In exchange, she will be sentenced to eight years in prison.

She had faced 60 counts related to embezzlement, theft, and prescription drug fraud and could have been sentenced to nearly 50 years in jail if convicted on all counts.

Wafford was accused of writing more than 1,000 checks from the account of James Hargas, D.D.S., to herself and credit card companies from 2001 to 2008.

"All small-business owners have to be wary," Dr. Hargas told the North County Times. "I had checks and balances, but this came from my devoted bookkeeper through manipulation of checks."

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