Delta Dental launches 10,000 Smiles Project

Delta Dental Plans Association this week launched the 10,000 Smiles Project, which aims to collect 10,000 photos of people smiling on its unique microsite at When the 10,000th photo is uploaded, Delta Dental Plans Association will donate $10,000 to the National Head Start Association, its designated philanthropic partner.

"As a social media experiment, [this project] takes advantage of the Internet to reach out to individuals across the U.S. and encourage them to upload smiling photos of themselves, their children, friends, family, and co-workers," stated Tom Dolatowski, marketing vice president at Delta Dental Plans Association, in a press release. "And then, we hope, they will forward their personal user page to friends, family, and co-workers, so they will add their photos too and help us reach our 10,000 smile goal."

The 10,000 Smiles Project builds upon Delta Dental Plans Association's existing partnership with the National Head Start Association, which began in 2007.

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