Feds crack down on fake toothpaste; NLT sues Biolase

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Counterfeit toothpaste? Threats over lasers? Root canals for monkeys? Ads on dental bibs?

It's been an interesting week in the world of dentistry.

One of the most intriguing stories involves 518,000 tubes of fake toothpaste manufactured in China. Officials from the U.S. Department of Justice and Immigration and Customs Enforcement busted two New York companies and two New York City residents for importing and selling counterfeit Colgate -- which on top of everything else was found to contain toxic ingredients. Read more.

In other legal news, National Laser Technology (NLT) is suing Biolase, claiming the company is trying to put NLT out of business by threatening dentists who consider buying refurbished Biolase products from NLT. Not surprisingly, Biolase says the charges are bogus. Get the whole scoop here.

Disaster and recovery

Most days, Stuart Alexander, D.M.D., can be found working away at his New Jersey practice. But when disaster strikes, he packs a bag and heads out to perform the difficult task of identifying victims. Dr. Alexander is a forensic dentist who works with the Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team, a federal organization that provides assistance after incidents such as 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina.

Interested in helping? Find out how to volunteer here.

Dealing with disasters such as those Dr. Alexander has seen presents a number of psychological challenges. But dentists face all kinds of daily pressures that can, at times, become overwhelming. Part II of our series, "Dentistry and depression," looks at what can cause anxiety and depression among dental professionals and where to go for support if you or someone you know needs it.

Helpful resources can also be found in Richard Geller's latest practice-management article, "The secret to advertising through Google." He contends that patients who find their dentist through the Internet spend more on dentistry. Find out how to attract these patients to your practice here.

And what about that monkey who got a root canal? Check out the News in Brief for that story and other interesting tips and tidbits -- including who's putting ads on dental bibs.

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